Do you need to emulate high current battery packs for testing xEV components? Perhaps you need simulate ultra-fast dynamics to replicate the real world behaviour of high performance batteries? Our new product family could be exactly what you’re looking for.
High current G5-BATSIM-HC modules are available from SELV models starting at 60V/338A, ranging up to tens of thousands of amps. This is in addition to existing high voltage battery emulators, which configurations from 500V up to 3000V are possible.
The G5-BATSIM-HC features two current ranges for high accuracy when testing at low voltages. The unit's industry leading response times allow current steps between 90% sourcing to 90% sinking to be performed be as quick as 50us, perfect for supplying high speed drives.
Each master module comes with an intuitive battery simulation GUI. This allows the user to programme a variety of relevant electrical characteristics in a convenient format including number of cells, energy capacity, cut off limits, chemistry type and nominal voltage.
An optional embedded function generator enables V/I and V/W relationships to be programmed against time, to accurately simulate a discharging fuel cell. The function generator can also be used to implement a programmable ripple up to 10kHz, ideal for EIS research.
Modules can be arranged in series, parallel or matrix configurations. Unusually, units can also be connected in master/slave with different nominal values. For example, a 36kW/80V/±1352A module will connect in parallel with a 54kW/80V/±2028A unit to provide 90kW/80V/±3380A. Multi-module systems based around a centre tapped earth are possible, creating a +/- voltage output.
Besides new units, our rental fleet features a number of high current battery emulators up to 72kW/160V/±2704A. High voltage emulators up to 216kW/2000V are also available for hire.