Do you need to characterise your electronic devices at high speeds? Perhaps your test piece demands rapid transient responses? New software functionality for bidirectional and unidirectional G5 DC power systems could provide the perfect solution.
A sweep function is now available in addition to the embedded function generator. The feature allows changing waveforms to be easily programmed, where the output varies in frequency up to 10kHz and/or amplitude up to the full-scale output of the device over time. Linear, stepping, or exponential rise and fall waveforms can be set within the software.
By automatically varying frequency over time, the harmonic response of a test piece can be quickly measured across a broad range. This speeds up identification for areas of interest and unwanted resonance.
Peak voltage, current or power values are programmable as part of the sweep waveform. The function is crucial for testing components which require their response to varying voltage levels to be characterised - such as capacitors, inductors, and power converters.

Complex DC waveforms can be implemented through the embedded function generator. As well as programming custom shapes - standard square, sawtooth and sine waveforms can be plotted against time. Voltage/current and voltage/power relationships can also be programmed where necessary.
Parametric programming is possible with the AAP function generator, where instead of the time axis an input variable (VIN, IIN or PIN) is selected. For example, the output voltage can change automatically based on the current drawn by the load, used to emulate the characteristic behaviour of a fuel cell.
Models which the embedded function generator is available for include:
- Bidirectional DC: High Voltage Models | High Current Models
- DC Sources: High Voltage Models | High Current Models
- DC Loads: High Voltage Models | High Current Models