Are you looking to reduce your capital expenditure? Perhaps you need to test common line anomalies within a grid network? Then the rental EAC-ACS-4Q may be the perfect solution.
The EAC-ACS-4Q is a 3 phase, 50kVA grid emulator. With full 4 quadrant operation, the unit has the ability to sink and source both AC and DC power. Each of the unit’s three phases are individually programmable for voltage, frequency, current, phase angles and superimposed harmonics. Current control is also possible via proportional analogue signals.
The GridSim GUI allows you to form a bidirectional circuit between the DUT(s) and the EAC-ACS-4Q, meaning you can replicate an enclosed grid network. Typical grid conditions can be emulated via the GUI to investigate common line anomalies such as voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage spikes. A Fourier tool, is included within the GUI which can create virtually any conceivable periodic waveform, with superimposed harmonics and inter-harmonic voltages up to 5000Hz.
RLC load mode enables you to set apparent (VA) and reactive power (VAR), as well as adjust the power factor (cos phi). This software gives the EAC-ACS-4Q the ability to simulate impedance for anti-islanding tests, meaning users do not have to use real components. This reduces set up time whilst keeping cost to a minimum, since there is no need to purchase various high power components for multiple tests.

Using a rental unit can reduce your capital expenditure dramatically, with hire periods starting from one week up to as long as you require. Our extensive rental range includes both loads and sources, accommodating various voltage, current and power requirements.