Do you regularly need to test high current devices with high dynamics? Perhaps you require to simulate a +/- voltage for testing power systems found on ships and aircrafts? Our new high current bidirectional series has been released which could offer the perfect solution.
Each G5-RSS-HC provides the ability to source or sink up to high currents and powers. Modules are available from 60Vdc SELV models starting at 9kW/338A, ranging up to 54kW/2028A units in power dense 10U rackmounting cases. This is in addition to the existing high voltage range, where outputs up to 3000Vdc are possible into the megawatt range.
G5-RSS-HC: Key Features
Sink/source currents up to 2028A per module/89kA per system
- Two current ranges for high accuracy
- Programmable ripple to 10kHz
- Ultra-fast dynamic behaviour
- Mixed power nominals in master-slave
With two current ranges for high accuracy, the G5-RSS-HC is ideal for cycling low voltage energy storage devices. Each module’s ultra-fast dynamics with switchable capacitance also allows accurate simulation of batteries and capacitors. A current step between 90% sourcing to 90% sinking can be as quick as 50us, enabling high speed drives to be supplied.
An embedded function generator enables V/I and V/W relationships to be programmed against time, to accurately simulate a discharging fuel cell. The function generator allows virtually any complex DC waveform to be created.
Among the product's features is the ability to implement a programmable ripple, allowing an AC ripple on a DC battery link to be recreated. Users can set a current ripple at up to 10kHz. The magnitude can be up to 5% of the nominal system current. Depending on the impedance of the DUT the resulting voltage ripple can be calculated.
Modules can be arranged in series, parallel or matrix configurations. Multi-module systems based around a centre tapped earth are possible, creating a +/- voltage output. Ideal for testing power systems used in ships and aircrafts.
Each unit has an extensive feature set which includes programmable PI parameters and an inbuilt 8 channel recording scope. Adjustable power and resistance limits are provided, as well as a selection of remote control options including high-speed CAN.
To discuss how the G5-RSS-HC can accelerate your testing contact ETPS today.