Are you looking to build inhouse EMC test capability? Are you tired of waiting for test space to become available at compliance laboratories? Then new options for our four quadrant EAC-ACS-4Q power systems could be the perfect solution.
Specific EMC test standards listed below are now optionally available to execute from the EAC-ACS-4Q's operating software. The GUI features a separate test interface for each standard and provides waveform visualisation, tracing, and verification capabilities. Automatic generation of test reports is also provided.
EMC Standard | Description |
EN 61000-4-11:2004* | Voltage dips, short interruptions, and voltage variations immunity tests up to 16A per phase |
EN 61000-4-13:2002 + A1:2009 | Harmonics and interharmonics immunity tests |
EN 61000-4-14:1999 + A1:2001 + A2:2009 | Voltage fluctuation immunity test |
EN 61000-4-27:2000 + A1:2009* | Unbalance, immunity test up to 16A per phase |
EN 61000-4-28 + A1:2004 + A2:2009 | Variation of power frequency, immunity test |
EN 61000-4-34:2005 + A1:2009* | Voltage dips, short interruptions, and voltage variations immunity tests more than 16 A per phase |
* Full compliance testing to this standard requires additional VSE hardware. |

Each test consists of multiple sequences, which can be executed as a whole or as individually selected blocks. EMC classes 1 to 4 predefined by a specific standard are user selectable. There is also a class X available, where relevant variables are programmable. Example variables include dip deepness, harmonic content, and frequency shift.
The standards highlighted with asterisks above require the execution of voltage drops, short interruptions, and voltage variations. Switching at any time is mandatory, not only at zero crossing of the voltage. To achieve this an additional VSE (voltage slope enhancer) is available. The hardware allows for fast voltage slopes <5μs and current peaks up to 1000A, and for two different voltage sources to be switched between (e.g. AC grid and EAC-ACS-4Q).
The EAC-ACS-4Q is a modular grid emulator with full 4 quadrant operation. Each unit can sink and source both AC and DC power. All three of the unit's phases are individually programmable for voltage, frequency, phase angles, and superimposed harmonics. Modules start at 30kVA, with configurations to over 1MVA possible. To find out more, contact ETPS today.